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About Us
Xin Rui laser for all types of enterprises to provide the best quality the most comprehensive laser solutions
Company Profile

Xiangyang Xin Rui Laser Technology Co., Ltd. is a company engaged in the research and application of laser technology, production and sales of integrated professional manufacturers, since its establishment in 2015, provides the high quality optical laser equipment customization service has for hundreds of manufacturing enterprises; at the same time should call for national innovation and entrepreneurship ring, Xin Rui laser full play their own potential, and combining with the current international market optical advanced technology and rich experience, good governance, reform and innovation, has developed a variety of precision laser equipment leading domestic optical market, for all types of enterprises to provide the best solution of the most comprehensive laser, help clients out of production difficulties.

Relying on first-class technology talents, leading technology level, excellent product quality and modern management mode, Xin Rui laser has won the praise from all users in China's laser industry market. The R & D and production of various types of laser tube, laser power, lens and reflector is widely used in the market; 2016, Xin Rui laser with excellent product quality and advanced technology level was advanced in the European market, the quality of its products by the European market to be fully affirmed and accepted;

Xiangyang Xin Rui Laser Technology Co., Ltd. since its inception, times of struggle and innovation, reform and development of the countless times, laid a solid Xin Rui endeavour, rigorous and pragmatic "principle of service, to the interests of customers as the center" business philosophy has always been imprinted in Xin Rui people's heart; now the face of the fierce market the impact of technology change rapidly and competition environment, Xin Rui people will continue to move forward on the road in the development and application of optical technology, make efforts for our country new optical laser industry; Xin Rui, China laser will lead the industry to the world, go to the future!

Development History


    In October 2017
    was appraised as "the most potential high-tech enterprise"
    by Hubei Hi-tech Industry Administration

    March 2017 Invited to participate in the
    Shanghai Murray Black Optoelectronics Exhibition
    The CO2 laser glass tube S series was named
    "high quality and innovative laser tube"


    March 2016,Elite Rui laser shareholder restructuring
    Renamed "Xin Rui laser"
    Settled in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province wisdom Innovation Pioneering Park
    September 2016,Awarded by Xiangyang Entrepreneurship Office as "High-tech Industry Enterprise"
    December 2016,Won the "high-tech industry demonstration enterprise" title


    May 2010
    Jing Rui Da Laser Co., Ltd. expand production scale
    Officially settled in Dongguan Industrial Park, focusing on the laser tube industry
    November 2010
    Dongguan innovation and entrepreneurship
    Granted the title of "High-tech Industry Demonstration Enterprise"


    August 2008
    Guangdong Elite Laser Co., Ltd. was established (Xin Rui laser predecessor)
    Main laser tube research and development, production and sales

Company Culture

Strategic Objectives

Lead the Chinese laser industry to the world

Core Value

Quality · Rigorous · Progressive

Corporate Philosophy

Customer benefits as the center

Contact Us
Xiangyang Xin Rui Laser Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No. 3, DaLi avenue, high-tech zone, Xiangyang, Hubei province
Mobile:(+86) 135-0866-2700
Phone:(+86) 135-086-62700(乔经理)

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