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Laser tube current is too small will affect the life of the laser tube do?

Date:2018-01-21 Author:Xiangyang Xin Rui Laser Technology Co., Ltd. Views:9739

         Laser tube has a markedly good work current size, the general use of the laser tube, we will be in accordance with the size of each laser tube power to advise customers to use a certain range of current, the current exceeds the laser tube using the standard current will Laser tube easy to use ahead of time, or laser tube damage.

         So the current is too small, small enough to make the laser tube can not be normal, then what will happen?

         Just can not start to configure the light does not light it?

         In fact, not only that, although the current is too small, but the electrodes at both ends of the laser tube connected to the high-voltage line, which means that the bipolar voltage may not be low.

         This will also cause high pressure laser tube fire. So the current is too small will cause damage to the laser tube.

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